
timer.c File Reference

#include "timer.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


void T0Init (int ms)
void T0Stop ()
void T0Start ()
int T0Get ()
void delayMs (unsigned int delayInMs)
void delayUs (unsigned int delayInUs)
int timeoutMs (unsigned int delayInMs, unsigned int condition)
void delay_1us (int t)

Function Documentation

void delay_1us ( int  t  ) 

Definition at line 101 of file timer.c.

void delayMs ( unsigned int  delayInMs  ) 

Definition at line 45 of file timer.c.

void delayUs ( unsigned int  delayInUs  ) 

Definition at line 62 of file timer.c.

int T0Get (  ) 

Definition at line 40 of file timer.c.

void T0Init ( int  ms  ) 

Definition at line 23 of file timer.c.

void T0Start (  ) 

Definition at line 35 of file timer.c.

void T0Stop (  ) 

Definition at line 31 of file timer.c.

int timeoutMs ( unsigned int  delayInMs,
unsigned int  condition 

Definition at line 79 of file timer.c.